Let’s all take a deep breath in, and a deep breath out. With the Coronavirus pandemic disrupting daily life as we know it, you may find yourself feeling more stressed out than usual. When stress strikes, self-care often takes a backseat. Yet, it’s during these difficult times when we need to care for ourselves the most. Here are some ideas on practicing self-care during this stressful time:

Connect with family and friends
Reach out to a friend you’ve been meaning to call. Catch up with an old coworker. Call your mom. A phone conversation during this time of social distancing can help reinvigorate you.

Read a book
Books offer a mental escape when you can’t physically go out and about. Try setting aside some reading time during your day.

Get creative
Turning stress into art can be as simple as trying a new recipe, cracking open those adult coloring books or breaking out your knitting needles! Did you know that Crayola’s website has free coloring pages that can be downloaded for both kids AND adults? Grab a set of drawing pens and get lost in the pages! 

Break out a deck of cards or a puzzle
Gin Rummy, Go Fish, Crazy Eights, Poker and Solitaire are only some of the games you can play by just having a deck of cards on hand. Dig out and assemble a jigsaw puzzle. Either activity will help to distract your restless mind by giving it something else to focus on.

Draw a bath and soak your cares away
Unplug from your electronics and head straight to the tub. To enhance the spa-like moment of solitude, add some soothing bath salts or calming essential oils.

List what you’re thankful for
When feeling overwhelmed by all the negatives, it’s helpful to look at the positives. Focusing on the good things in your life can help you gain some perspective during these uncertain times. Take time today to write down at least one thing you’re grateful for at the moment. It could be as simple as being thankful for having clean bath towels!

Eat well, move your body and get adequate rest!

Nurture your spirit through prayer and mindful exercises
Remember, God doesn’t give us more than we can handle. He’s always here for us!

Practicing self-care not only helps us feel better. It also helps us function at our best. It provides clarity, boosts our energy and replenishes our reserves. We are able to do everything from making smarter decisions to helping others. What does self-care look like to you?

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