Tips for GLOWING Winter Skin

It’s hard to believe, but winter is just around the corner. Although, our fall and winter seasons here in Northern California are milder than most, cold weather and low humidity levels result in dry air, which takes away precious moisture from your skin. It’s time to...

2020…It’s All About The Eyes

Is that a smile, a grimace or a mocking grin? Thanks to the coronavirus pandemic, we are getting used to wearing a protective face mask. Suddenly, our eyes have become THE facial feature people first notice. Now is the time to enhance the true beauty of our eyes and...

Anti-Aging Starts with Sunscreen

Now that the warm weather’s finally upon us, it’s important to remember that while we may love the outdoors, going to the beach and how we look with a tan, there are serious consequences when we get too much sun exposure. Ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun cause more...

Think Before You Spritz

Did you know that your perfume is likely to contain alcohol? Which, when applied to your exposed skin (neck, décolletage and behind the ears) during daylight hours, causes it to be come oh-so-photosensitive to sunlight. This means your skin is more likely to suffer...